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  What's happening above our heads?
  Dandelion Salad

  by Rick Nichols featured writer Dandelion Salad Feb. 15, 2008

Aerosolized Powder Contrails? During the weekend of Jan. 25th-27th the greater S.F. Bay Area had its heaviest rainfall in about two years. Where I am in Santa Cruz, on Monterey Bay, the climate remained wet and cloudy for over a week, clearing up beautifully by Wed., Feb. 6th. On that morning, when I left the house, a single, bright-white contrail lay prominently across the clear, blue sky overhead. As I drove the fifteen minutes or so down into Santa Cruz, I noticed more straight, white contrails that were spreading out in wispy cloud formations, as well as the planes that were laying fresh trails. In fact, as I peered around I could see evidence of previous contrails where fresh ones were being laid, along the exact same headings and roughly the same altitude.

Then I worked for several hours, pointing out the ever-increasing acivity to a couple other construction workers, and at any given moment we could stop and see at least two planes making passes over the bay; I do not exaggerate when I say we sometimes saw three and FOUR planes at a time, all leaving similar white contrails that did not dissipate, but formed a thick, white haze high over the Monterey Bay Area. By 1:30pm, after lunch, I was blown away by the blatantly obvious campaign of aerial bombardment - the only way I can describe this activity - NOT natural cloud formations, NOT smog, NOT fog, and NOT smoke from wood-burning or fires. By the end of what began as a perfectly clear day, a sky thick with haze and wispy cloud formations was STILL being penetrated by planes leaving fresh, "pencil-thin" powder contrails that did not dissipate, merely spread. What's more, this was not an isolated instance - I can walk outside and find visual evidence of this type of activity just about every single day (excepting predominantly overcast conditions) because I've been watching it for so long. Disconcerting, to say the least, particularly considering the context of this activity and the questions that arise from it:

1) Is this really what it appears to be? �because it appears to be an active and prolonged campaign of what I've come to know as "aerosolized powder contrails;" by prolonged I mean not only days or months, but YEARS, and "aerosolized powder contrails" is a term I've adopted after viewing 1) a U.S. Naval patent for "Powder Contrail Generation" at: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/3899144.html and

2) a very informative, albeit tedious, documentary called "Aerosol Crimes:" Aerosol Crimes 1st Edition + Chemtrails (videos) There is no shortage of reports on this aerial phenomenon, they begin in 1997 and continue to this day (as I am doing). A history of articles on the subject, a "bibliography" of sorts, can be found at http://educate-yourself.org/ct/intro. A Google search of [chemtrails] yields 937,000 hits; [powder contrails] yields 22,800 hits, most of which probably refer to the 1975 U.S. Navy patent referenced above; a GoogleVideo search of [chemtrails] yields 4,387 hits ranging from 1 minute to nearly two hours; the evidence is overwhelming.

When I undertook to determine the range of chemtrail reportings world-wide, I found that every single country on the globe (I physically used a globe) has chemtrail sightings/reports, even the Marshall Islands out in the middle of the Pacific! Try it yourself: just Google [chemtrails (any country )] and you will find an average of 2,000-3,000 hits. 2) How is this ACTUALLY affecting our health? I don't mean possibly or potentially, I mean "HOW is this 'particulate haze' affecting us NOW." Is it true that respitory ailments, headaches, sore throats, flu symptoms and skin irritations follow heavy activity? A Google search of [chemtrails illness] yields 28,100 hits, the following is an excerpt from one site: "More and more symptoms reported after repeated chemtrails exposure resemble the mycoplasma-induced disorders associated with Gulf War Illness - including aching joints, extreme fatigue and short-term memory loss." http://netowne.com/environmental/contrails/willthomas/chemtrails4.htm

Here's an excerpt from, and link to, another site: "chemtrail sightings have long been associated with community-wide illnesses reported in the areas of the sprayings. Thomas himself was involved in a case in Espanola, Ontario, in the spring of 1998. Residents there had been complaining of "severe headaches, chronic joint pain, dizziness, sudden extreme fatigue, acute asthma attacks and feverless 'flu-like' symptoms over a 50-square-mile area [which] coincided with what they termed 'months of spraying' by photo-identified US Air Force tanker planes."

An expert witness in the case, former Ontarion Provincial Police Officer Ted Simola, described the "lingering Xs and numerous white trails, some of which 'just ended' as if they had been shut off but remained in the sky," observations consistent with other chemtrail sightings. " http://www.worldaffairsbrief.com/keytopics/Chemtrails.shtml

3) How could this POTENTIALLY affect our health? In order to determine its potential effects, we have to know what it IS. The patent info above tells us that it's probably aluminum oxide and a propellant at the very least, while another report, authored by General Electric in Aug. of 1977 tells us "Laboratory tests of the Titanium/Boron/Barium system produced a maximum yield of Barium vapor in the amount of 41.2% of the total mixture chemical weight." http://stinet.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=ADA044538 Indeed, we'll find that a "series of qualitative chemical tests and deductions now confirm without doubt the presence of significant amounts of barium within atmospheric samples." This quote is taken from Clifford Carnicom's current,"encyclopedic" web-site "AEROSOL OPERATION CRIMES & COVER-UP:" http://www.carnicom.com/contrails.htm The claim is supported by other sources, as well, including KSLA NEWS 12 in Shreveport, LA: "CHEMTRAILS: Is U.S. Gov't. Secretly Testing Americans 'Again'?" http://www.ksla.com/Global/story.asp?s=7339345 Apparently "again" means it has happened before - the law has since been repealed: U.S. CODE, TITLE 50 - WAR AND NATIONAL DEFENSE, CHAPTER 32 - CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAM, SECTION 1520: "The use of human subjects will be allowed for the testing of chemical and biological agents by the U.S. Department of Defense, accounting to Congressional committees with respect to the experiments and studies." [also referred to as PUBLIC LAW 95-79] The question of the validity of this info. in-and-of-itself should serve as the impetus to look further into the available resources, and where we suffer a lack of information, hypothetical reasoning dictates that we form postulates in order to compare them to our first-hand experience. For example, there's some speculation that "Morgellon's Disease" is in some way associated with the "chemtrail" phenomenon. If we allow ourselves to speculate, we might ask "What is Morgellon's Disease and are there any connections between the two?"

The following is an article from The San Jose Mercury printed in Jan. 2008: http://www.mercurynews.com/healthandscience/ci_7995426 stating that "patients also complain of fatigue, joint pain, hair loss, vision problems and difficulty in thinking clearly." Would heavy metal toxicity do these things? Is there a connection? Apparently the S.F. Bay Area has the highest occurrence of Morgellon's AND a relentless campaign of aerial aerosol bombardment (the latter I can attest). I'd have to suggest that the most disturbing potential of this technology lies in the fact that it is classed as an "exotic weapons system" in this bill introduced to Congress: "H.R. 2977 Space Preservation Act of 2001 introduced October 2, 2001, 107th Congress, 1st Session. The bill was referred to committee and no further action ensued." [source: http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Space_Preservation_Act ]

4) Where does this inquiry lead us? It begins with government documents like the U.S. Naval patent referenced above, or this timeline of patent technology called "Patently Obvious; A Partial History of Aerosol and Weather Related Technologies" spanning from 1917-2003: http://www.seektress.com/PATLIST.HTM It continues through "a massive research study from 1992 and sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine. This study was approved and funded by congress and is the textbook on greenhouse gases, global warming, policy decisions, and mitigation. Several of the suggestions for mitigation are under "Sunlight Screening" and include "Low Stratospheric Dust" ("Use aircraft to maintain a cloud of dust in the low stratosphere to reflect sunlight"), "Low Stratospheric Soot", and "Cloud Stimulation": http://www.chemtrails911.com/supporting_evidence.htm We find, furthermore, that "At least part of the aerosol project has been dubbed Operation Cloverleaf,7 probably due to its multi-faceted operations, which include: weather modification, military communications, space weapons development, ozone and global warming research plus biological weaponry and detection testing." http://globalresearch.ca/articles/WOR406A.html This is where we find that we have opened a serious "can of worms;" [operation cloverleaf] yields 85,600 hits on Google and introduces us to a whole new array of ideas and research including: "Points to Ponder: The Shield Project." http://www.holmestead.ca/chemtrails/shieldproject.html "Project HAARP: The Military's Plan to Alter the Ionosphere," https://www.projectcensored.org/9-the-pentagons-mysterious-haarp-project/ "U.S. Air Force Linked to Electronic Warfare Attack in Tennessee" http://www.ecologynews.com/cuenews31.html "The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics," http://www.prahlad.org/pub/bearden/scalar_wars.htm �and more, more, more� In conclusion: I don't even know how to handle this "ball," let alone run with it; there are suddenly vast expanses of technology and mind-boggling forces at play, here, which would require a great deal more time than I can devote ("word" to all the investigative journalists out there!)

I am prepared to have this work denigrated, marginalized and/or ignored, but the fact remains that it has arisen, for me, out of a need-to-know basis. My hope is that it will open the eyes of people everywhere who are concerned about health, environment, ever-increasing gov't secrecy, and public awareness in general. Let me finish with an experiment - set up two sources of light in your home, one incandescent and one fluorescent. During daylight hours, or even as the day progresses, open all the blinds or curtains and compare the daylight to each of the two sources of light. Is your "ordinary daylight" coming to resemble the blue/white fluorescence more than the yellow/white incandescent? Or is it just hazy? I say that only today I picked out the faintest impression of blue/white streaks in the sky, a vaguely perceptible haze of straight white lines, and I'm pretty certain I've been hearing that incandescent bulbs are soon to be "out of production" in favor of the more expensive, incredibly more toxic fluorescent bulbs. Weird.