Intent/Purpose of This Site
This site is intended for three things: 1). proving beyond
a doubt to even the most skeptical that we are being sprayed
for various reasons; 2). arming others with the information
and materials needed to awaken others; and 3). to get enough
people aware of the aerosol spraying, electronic mind control,
propaganda, Agenda 21 and New World Order in hopes of deterring
the furtherance of the above-mentioned.
There is so much
on the topic of chemtrails, that prioritizing by importance
is an impossibility so I am not, at this time, having new
pages and archives. There will be dropdown menus on the
top of the more heavily populated pages to make finding
items a little less cumbersome as a few of these pages have
over 100 items.
Note: The newest items are most often added to
the bottom of the pages as it would be time consuming to
move every item down one space to fit in the new stuff.

Someone once sent a paper to me named "Scorched Earth" via my chemtrailplanet.com contact
link trying to explain why trees in California are dying. He mentioned
absolutely NOTHING about lab samples of soil, air, or rain water
and absolutely no mention of lab samples from the trees themselves
(leaves, roots, bark). Several other people did get lab tests of
rain water and soil and these lab tests showed unnaturally high
levels of barium and aluminum.
This same guy who mentioned nothing about lab samples came to a
conclusion that the sickness of trees was due to being burnt by
the sun and that chemtrails are to protect us from loss of vegetation
that would otherwise all be scorched. How can he conclude what causes
an illness without lab examples of the item itself or of that which
is in its environment? He cannot. He also totally EXCLUDED (as what
would be expected from a debunker) the fact that the chemtrails
(in conjunction with HAARP) are causing droughts and roots of trees
to be suffocated by buildup of barium and aluminum. However, as
is customary with debunkers, he did mix in truth with lies and omissions.
He created an excellent list of observations (that all of us who
pay attention to our environment have ourselves noticed) that gives
strong evidence that we are being sprayed. List is below:
Wrong Cruising Altitude Commercial jet planes
such as Boeing 747 and 767 cruise at 43,000 to 45,000ft altitude.
AS-S planes spray at 25,000 to 35,000 feet.
Hearing engines noise even with background noise
This is another indication that these are not modern passenger
jets flying at a normal cruising altitude.
Too Many Planes in one Sky Sector That is not
a coincidence especially since all these planes are spraying chemical
Non-Symmetric "Contrails" Some planes emit three
non-symmetric Chemtrails, the middle one is not in the center.
A PhD in Engineering or Physics is not required to know that no
true contrails behave that way. The nonsymmetry is used to mix
two chemicals first, than the newly created compound reacts with
the third plume to create the final chemical product. Other planes
have 4 contrails, with 3 of the contrails quickly becoming one
plume - this is a non-symmetric behavior and is also against Fluid
Mechanics laws. Some planes spew out 2 plumes with one becoming
wide and the other staying very thin. This is possible only if
the chemical composition of the plumes is different. True contrails
are made of the same chemicals, mostly water vapor, so they behave
in exactly the same way because they are made of the same chemicals.
No regular schedule AS-S planes have no published
regular schedules. Commercial jets have schedules. If a plane
flies over one spot at a given time on a Tuesday, it would have
done so on the previous one and will do so on the next one.
Flying Close to Each Other in 3-plane formation
Real commercial jet Pilots are forbidden to do this. This technique
is used to mix three chemicals one after the other. This approach
is not used heavily anymore over populated region.
New Mathematics: 2 + 2 = 3 Some AS-S planes have
4 engines (2 on each wings) and 3 non-symmetric "contrails" Planes
with different "contrail" lengths Planes with different fake contrail
lengths can be seen at the same time. If the sky conditions and
exhaust fumes are similar, the lengths must be equal unless the
"contrails" are made of different chemicals.
Some planes have "contrails" others don't This
happens when there is at least one commercial jet in the sky when
AS-S planes are spraying or when one of the AS-S planes is not
Making a big U-turn. Sometimes, AS-S planes fly
in on direction, do a 180 degree U-turn and leave a circular Chemtrail
On and Off "Contrails" Black soot plumes (Pilot,
follow that black line in the sky) NOAA propagandist liars, explain
this one.