The majority of these PDFs are of what is scattered among the different pages of this website and total to 710 as of this writing (5/25/2020). Just click on any of the pdf images to open. All, but the last nine rows are linked. The ones that are not linked, you can find by typing the titles in the google search bar that is on the upper right of this page. If that doesn't work, put the exact title as you see it under the image and put it after and then add the extension .pdf, like this:"title of document".pdf. Here is an example:
As far as the ebooks go, I don't necessarily agree with every word the writers of the books have ever spoken or written within their lifetime. I share here that which I think either gives good information that backs the claims made on other pages of this site, gives us understanding of how the enemy thinks or provokes thought in general.
Note: I accidentally put a couple of duplicates on this page. I will not remove the duplicates because doing so would make me have to relink all the pdfs that follows from the point of the duplicate on and that would mean an unneccesary waste of time that could be spent creating and adding to pages. I also plan to, at some point, type up all the titles of these pdfs and put them in a drop-down list.
The 16 articles below are from Science Direct Artciles
but there is other evidence that the SH debakle was a FEMA exercise:
and that the school was closed in 2012 due to disrepair:
Three new ones: Making of Atomic Bomb, Making of Atomic Bomb with graphcs, and The Stigmatization of Conspiratorial Beliefs
The above in non-pdf form: Making of Atomic Bomb, Making of Atomic Bomb with graphcs